

Nafha is a perfume e-commerce platform for selling perfumes.
Technologies: .NET Framework · C# · .NET Core · JavaScript · HTML · Flutter · ASP.NET · Vue.js · ASP.NET MVC · SQL · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · ASP.NET Core

Website | App



The ultimate appointment management solution for Android and iOS. With a sleek interface built using Flutter and BLoC state management.
Technologies: State Management · Dart · Flutter · Clean Architecture · BLoC · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)




Quip is a simple social media application that connects people together.
Technologies: .NET Framework · C# · .NET Core · JavaScript · HTML · Flutter · ASP.NET · SQL · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · ASP.NET Core


E-learning Platform

E-Learning Platform is a place where students can start learning software development in simple easy to access courses.
Technologies: .NET Framework · C# · .NET Core · JavaScript · HTML · Flutter · ASP.NET · SQL · Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) · ASP.NET Core


Let's build something together

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